Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

How do we use your data?

If you buy products from us Your name, email address, as well as other information about you are collected during the buying or selling process.

Your IP address is immediately recorded every time you visit this website. This allows us to know how your computer operates and your browser.

If we agree to your request, you will receive emails informing you of new products and information about our shop.

Section 2: Consent

What\’s the most efficient way to get my consent?

If you give us personal information in order to complete a transaction and confirm your credit card number, finish the transaction online, or make arrangements to return, deliver or exchange of a product, you are implying that you are acquiescing to its use and use for the specific purpose only.

If we ask for the use of your personal data to be used to serve a reason unrelated, like marketing, then you\’ll be notified directly or have the option of refusing.

Section 3: Disclosure

In certain circumstances, we will be required to disclose personal information if the law requires the sharing or if you\’ve violated our terms and conditions.

Section 4. SECTION 4.

Third-party service providers that employ us will typically only gather, store and use your personal information to the extent necessary to offer the service to us.

Certain third-party service providers, like payment processors, or payment gateways are required to adhere to their privacy policies pertaining to the information they require from us in order to complete your payment.

We suggest that you go over the privacy policies of these providers to ensure that you know what information you provide will be employed by them.

You should be aware that certain providers are headquartered or have facilities in a different jurisdiction than us or you. Your personal data will likely fall under the laws of the jurisdiction where that provider has their facility or has their facility.


We have taken all measures reasonable to safeguard any personal information that you might give us.

When you enter the details of your credit card They are secured with secured socket layer (SSL) technology. They are then stored using AES-256. We follow the PCI DSS and various other industry standard requirements, even though no electronic transmission or storage technique is 100% secure.


By using this website that you have met the requirements for minimum age in the province or state where you reside or that you meet the minimum age requirements in the provincial or state where you reside and have consented to allow minors who are dependent on you to use this site.